Here we all are, dressed in red, white and blue to celebrate our Country's birthday!! The weather was HOT! the food delicious, the drinks refreshing, and the company wonderful.

Grandbabies, Sofia on the far left, 3 1/2, Lillie 2 on the horse, Tristan on the far right is 5 3/4 and Reid in front is our baby at nearly 9 months!!

Congratulations Cody on achieving your Masters Degree!! We are very proud of you and also love that you are still a great bartender!!

Reid just loved the water and didn't seem to mind if it was cold, at least if he was only sitting in it. If you splashed him, well that was a different story! Don't you love his hat and adorable smile?

Here is our smaller patio all aglow! We ended our wonderful day playing cards on the big patio and watching and listening to all the fireworks bursting in the air all around us. We couldn't believe that Reid slept through the whole thing. You will have to follow Cody and Anna's blog as well as April's and Melissa's facebooks to see all the other wonderful pictures from the day. April got some great ones of Tristan in mid-leap over the pool!!
Hope you enjoyed your 4th of July as much as we did.
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