We have been enjoying watching the snow from inside, however Terry has had to drive out in it everyday. I worry about him, but he seems confident with his chains on. With all of the wind and blowing snow, we aren't sure how much we really have, but without measuring, it looks to be about 8 or more inches of snow and they say we should expect more tonight. Tristan and Melissa took a ride on a friend's snowmobile today and had a blast. It is too bad that we got freezing rain as the kids aren't too interested in playing outside as it is just too hard to play in. The last time we had weather like this Tristan was just a newborn baby, but it didn't stay around so long. I am beginning to feel like a midwesterner!!

This picture was taken last night before the freezing rain hit. Today it is totally encased in ice and is so beautiful.

Terry, Sofia and Tristan enjoying the snowy backyard last evening! They made snow angels, attempted to make a snow man but the snow was too dry and had a snow ball fight. Tristan doesn't quite understand the concept of a snow ball fight yet. His idea is to hit Papa but Papa better not hit him back!!

Tristan clearing off our "outdoor freezer". Last week our heat pump went out and this week our big upright freezer died. Great time to have a snow storm though as today these coolers are nearly covered in snow and ice today !!
We haven't heard of too many accidents during these recent storms and we pray that each of you who are experiencing the snow and ice will be safe and warm.
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