Thursday, June 4, 2009

Reid's first trip to see and touch the ocean!

Reid and Anna enjoying the beach! Doesn't Reid look like a little clam? We took a few days to visit Ocean Park and Long Beach, Washington. Thanks to the Kelly's, we enjoyed a beautiful home to vacation in. Reid loved the sand and water and didn't seem afraid at all. We visited Marshalls very strange museum, drove through Oysterville, played on the beach, cooked, enjoyed reading in the sun, had a movie and popcorn night and just relaxed!

Cody and Reid playing on the beach
Grandpa, Grandma and a very attentive Reid at Long Beach
Cody, Anna and Reid
Here is our sweet Reid enjoying playing on the deck at the Kelly's beach House! Don't you just love his dapper hat?


Anna said...

i LOVE the last photo of Reid. SOOOO cute!

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