Easter weekend began with the traditional coloring of the eggs!! Tristan, Sofia and Lillie did such a wonderful job this year. Tristan even learned how to stripe his eggs from Papa.

We were very impressed that both Tristan and Sofia handled their eggs with such care using the bended wire egg holder!!

Experience tells us to strip the kids down for this colorful experience. You can't do anything for the colored hands however.

Here is Reid enjoying all the eggs after they were colored!

Lillie and April on Easter afternoon admiring the Rice Krispie Egg!

Lillie in her Easter finery under our big blooming Cherry tree~ She just loved her hat!

Reid high up in he Cherry Tree! Isn't he getting so big?

Sofia and Tristan look so cute don't they?

Just love this picture of the oldest 3 after shedding their Easter clothes!!

Tristan holding Reid, Lillie and Sofia. By this point Lillie already has her shoes off and Sofia insisted on wearing her new summer flip flops over her tights!!