We began the month of March with a painting project! Below is the "old" bathroom after removing the border of wallpaper. Do you remember "ragging"? This bathroom was ragged on the top with a peach color, then the border, then a myriad of colors ragged on the bottom to match the garden wallpaper border. Innovative for its time, but as we have been told many, many times, "I's time to change". So change we did!!!

What do you think of this??? We love it, love it, love it!!! The wall pictures were taken by Melissa, didn't she do a fantastic job? We love having her art on our walls.

Next came the laundry room. It wasn't ragged on the top half of the wall with peach, but the bottom was the same as the bathroom. Check out the "old" laundry room.

We just love this pumpkin color and the yellow and brown accents are perfect!

Tristan and Sofia love helping Papa with his many projects. Do you think Tristan hopes to fill his Papa's shoes one day? :0)

I started growing this amaryllis about 3 years ago as a single bulb. Each spring after frost has passed, I take it outside. It grows huge with lots of leaves and blooms again around July. Before it frosts again I bring it inside for the winter. Slowly, one by one the leaves turn yellow and fall off, then leaves begin to grow again and this year it also grew 4 stalks of flowers! They are so showy.

HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY! I love to collect Cabbage dishes and this holiday is the best day to use as many as I can.

Three of our 4 grandbabies. Lillie, Tristan and Sofia!

These two girls are nearly the same size even though there are 15 months between them!!

Our sweet Reid, now 5 months old. Doesn't he just look dapper in green?

After a long day of celebrating, Reid and his friends are all tuckered out!! :o)