Do you remember your Mom or Dad telling you they were "sick and tired" of this or that? Well, we are sick and tired of being SICK AND TIRED!! First I started out with a horrible sore throat that lasted about a week. Had to take meds around the clock, then Terry began getting sick and has a head cold that has left us sleeping in separate rooms as he is snoring like a freight train. Melissa started out with a head cold, then moved to the sore throat and now has a sinus infection. Amid all of this hacking, sniffling, blowing of noses and popping of pills, our sweet little Tristan gets his tonsils and adenoids removed!! He has been very brave and quite the trooper. Today we realized that he was talking kind of funny like he has a canker sore but when we looked in his mouth he has a huge white square of something on his tongue towards the back!! Has he chewed his own tongue, did the doctor cut something on his tongue and that is a scab? Who knows, but we will check with the doctor tomorrow.
Anyway, we are hoping that we are all on the mend. Melissa is on an antibiotic, Terry and I slept in the same bed at least once this week, my sore throat is gone and Tristan was dressed and teasing his sister, so I guess we are all not so sick and tired anymore!
Christmas Card 2021
3 years ago